404 research outputs found

    Latent Heat Fluxes over Complex Terrain from Airborne Water Vapour and Wind Lidars

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    Tropospheric profiles of water vapour and wind were measured with a differential absorption lidar (DIAL) and a heterodyne detection Doppler wind lidar collo-cated onboard the DLR Falcon research aircraft in the past two years. The DIAL is a newly developed four-wavelength system operating on three water vapour absorption lines of different strengths, one offline wavelength at 935 nm (each 50 Hz, 40 mJ), and 532 and 1064 nm for aerosol profiling. It is designed as an airborne demonstrator for a possible future space-borne water vapour lidar mission. It operated success-fully during the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS) in July 2007 over the Black Forest Mountains in southern Germany, and during the Norwegian THORPEX-IPY field experiment in March 2008 over the European North Sea. For the study of summertime convection initiation over complex terrain and the development of Polar Lows in the North Sea both campaigns included latent heat flux missions where both airborne lidars were pointed nadir-viewing. Using eddy-correlation of the remotely-sensed wind and water vapour fluctuations, a repre-sentative flux profile can be obtained from a single over-flight of the area under investigation. The lidars’ spatial resolution is ~200 m which resolves the domi-nant circulation and flux patterns in a convective boundary layer. This novel instrumentation allows ob-taining profiles of the latent heat flux beneath the air-craft from one single over-flight of any area of interest

    Pedestrian Prediction by Planning using Deep Neural Networks

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    Accurate traffic participant prediction is the prerequisite for collision avoidance of autonomous vehicles. In this work, we predict pedestrians by emulating their own motion planning. From online observations, we infer a mixture density function for possible destinations. We use this result as the goal states of a planning stage that performs motion prediction based on common behavior patterns. The entire system is modeled as one monolithic neural network and trained via inverse reinforcement learning. Experimental validation on real world data shows the system's ability to predict both, destinations and trajectories accurately

    KQQKQQ and the Kasparov-World Game

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    The 1999 Kasparov-World game for the first time enabled anyone to join a team playing against a World Chess Champion via the web. It included a surprise in the opening, complex middle-game strategy and a deep ending. As the game headed for its mysterious finale, the World Team re-quested a KQQKQQ endgame table and was provided with two by the authors. This paper describes their work, compares the methods used, examines the issues raised and summarises the concepts involved for the benefit of future workers in the endgame field. It also notes the contribution of this endgame to chess itself

    Protective capping of topological surface states of intrinsically insulating Bi2_2Te3_3

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    We have identified epitaxially grown elemental Te as a capping material that is suited to protect the topological surface states of intrinsically insulating Bi2_2Te3_3. By using angle-resolved photoemission, we were able to show that the Te overlayer leaves the dispersive bands of the surface states intact and that it does not alter the chemical potential of the Bi2_2Te3_3 thin film. From in-situ four-point contact measurements, we observed that the conductivity of the capped film is still mainly determined by the metallic surface states and that the contribution of the capping layer is minor. Moreover, the Te overlayer can be annealed away in vacuum to produce a clean Bi2_2Te3_3 surface in its pristine state even after the exposure of the capped film to air. Our findings will facilitate well-defined and reliable ex-situ experiments on the properties of Bi2_2Te3_3 surface states with nontrivial topology.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 2 pages supplemental material accepted for publication in AIP Advance

    Latent Heat Flux Profiles from Collocated Airborne Water Vapor and Wind Lidars during IHOP_2002

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    Latent heat flux profiles in the convective boundary layer (CBL) are obtained for the first time with the combination of the DLR water vapor differential absorption lidar (DIAL) and the NOAA high resolution Doppler wind lidar (HRDL). Both instruments were integrated nadir viewing on board the DLR “Falcon” research aircraft during the International H2O Project (IHOP_2002) over the U.S. Southern Great Plains. Flux profiles from 300 – 2500 m AGL are computed from high spatial resolution (150 m horizontal and vertical) two-dimensional water vapor and vertical velocity lidar cross sections using the eddy covariance technique. All cospectra show significant contributions to the flux between 1 and 10 km wavelength, with peaks between 2 and 6 km, originating from large eddies. The main flux uncertainty is due to low sampling (55 % rmse at mid-CBL), while instrument noise (15 %) and systematic errors (7 %) play a minor role. The combination of a water vapor and a wind lidar on an aircraft appears as an attractive new tool that allows measuring latent heat flux profiles from a single over-flight of the investigated area

    Erfurter Stadtgeschichte: Spielleute, Stadtmusikanten, TĂŒrmer und NachtwĂ€chter

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    Spielleute, Stadtmusikanten, NachtwĂ€chter und TĂŒrmer hatten wichtige Funktionen in den StĂ€dten Europas wĂ€hrend des Mittelalters. Spielleute und Stadtmusikanten erfĂŒllten wichtige Aufgaben im kulturellen und sozialen Leben einer Stadt. NachtwĂ€chter und TĂŒrmer warnten die BĂŒrger bei ausbrechenden BrĂ€nden und herannahenden Feinden. Doch gemessen an ihrer Wichtigkeit war ihre Bezahlung niedrig und die soziale Anerkennung blieb ihnen weitestgehend versagt. Dahinter verbirgt sich eine „soziale Frage“, die bis heute nichts an AktualitĂ€t verloren hat. In der hier vorliegenden Untersuchung werden die Aufgaben und Lebensbedingungen von Spielleuten, Stadtmusikanten, NachwĂ€chtern und TĂŒrmern in der Stadt Erfurt nĂ€her beleuchtet. Der Empfang des BĂŒrgerrechts, Wohnadressen, Geburtsorte und Berufsbezeichnungen von zahlreichen in Erfurt tĂ€tigen Angehörigen dieser Berufsgruppen sowie die Quellen fĂŒr diese Angaben sind in Tabellenform aufgefĂŒhrt.Minstrels, town musicians, night guards and tower watchmen had important functions in the towns across Europe during the Middle Ages. Minstrels and town musicians fulfilled important roles in cultural and social life. Night guards and tower watchmen warned citizens in case of the outbreak of a fire or the approach of an enemy. Yet, most of them didn’t receive the salary and the social recognition they deserved. This also applied to members of these groups in the town of Erfurt. In the study presented here, the tasks and the living conditions of minstrels, town musicians, night guards and tower watchmen in Erfurt are examined in greater detail. In tables created by the author, the receipt of citizenship, fore- and surnames, addresses, birthplaces and job titles of several members of the aforementioned 4 occupational groups are presented together with the sources of this information

    Erfurter Stadtgeschichte: Das Leben der Juden in Erfurt in der Zeit vom 11. bis 15. Jahrhundert : eine Spurensuche

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    Der vorliegende Aufsatz begibt sich auf Spurensuche nach dem Leben der Juden in Erfurt vom 11. Jahrhundert bis zu ihrer endgĂŒltigen Vertreibung im Jahr 1458. Einschneidendes Ereignis in diesem Zeitraum war das Pogrom am 21. MĂ€rz 1349, bei dem etwa 1000 Erfurter Juden ermordet wurden. Die Alte Synagoge wurde nach dem Pogrom von 1349 zum Speicher umgebaut. Die Synagoge, die seit 1357 hinter dem Rathaus stand, wurde zum stĂ€dtischen Zeughaus ausgebaut und 1736 vollstĂ€ndig abgerissen. Der mittelalterliche jĂŒdische Friedhof wurde nach Vertreibung der Juden 1458 eingeebnet und auf einem Teil von ihm wurde seit 1465 das noch bestehende Kornhaus errichtet, womit der noch heute an der Großen Ackerhofsgasse stehende ehemalige StĂ€dtische Kornspeicher gemeint ist. Die Grabsteine des mittelalterlichen jĂŒdischen Friedhofs wurden fĂŒr den Bau der Stadtbefestigung verwendet. Damit schienen zahlreiche Spuren jĂŒdischen Lebens in Erfurt fĂŒr immer ausgelöscht worden zu sein. ThĂŒringen, Mittelalter, jĂŒdische Gemeinde, Judenmeister, Parnassim, jĂŒdisches Viertel, Mikwe, Erzbischof, Steinernes Haus, Siechenhaus, Stadtrat, Reichstag, Schofarot, Judeneid, Judenschuldentilgung, Rabbinersynode, Tanzhaus, Frauensynagoge, Judenbuch, Judenschule, Germania Judaica, Brunnenvergiftung, Pest, Judenmord, Fastentag, Memorbuch, Verfolgung, Wucher, Lombarden, Kawerschen, Schutzgeld, Klagelieder, Erfurter Schatz, Freizinsregister, Ephraim Salomon Unger, Judenzoll, Bliden, Kehila, August Hermann Francke, Realschule, JĂŒdische Freischule, KarthĂ€userklosterThis essay contains a search for traces of the Jews living in Erfurt from the 11th century till their final expulsion in 1458. The incisive event for the Jews living in Erfurt during this period was the pogrom on March 21st 1349 with approximately 1.000 Jews being killed. Afterwards, the old synagogue was transformed to a storehouse. The new synagogue built behind the then town hall in 1357 was changed to a municipal arsenal in 1461 and torn down in 1736. The old Jewish cemetery was levelled out after the final expulsion of the Jews in 1458 and instead a municipal granary was put up on a part of the former cemetery. A lot of the gravestones of the old Jewish cemetery were used for the construction of the town walls. The traces of Jewish life in Erfurt were apparently extinguished. This essay wants to show that the traces can still be found and the testimonies for Jewish life in Erfurt during the middle ages haven’t vanished. Keywords: Thuringia, Jewish congregation, Jewish community, Jewish quarter, archbishop, town council, well poisoning, plague, persecution, profiteering, protection money, elegies, fast day, Rabbi synod, community hall, women synagogue, mikvah, extinctio

    Gastwirte, Genossen und GeschĂ€ftsleute: interessante Begebenheiten aus dem Leben von Erfurter BĂŒrgern und Arbeitern : aus kaum bekannten Quellen recherchiert und erzĂ€hlt

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    In diesem Sammelband befinden sich AufsĂ€tze ĂŒber das Leben und Wirken von Erfurter BĂŒrgern und zur kulturellen Entwicklung in Erfurt. Der erste Aufsatz handelt von der Kaufmannsfamilie Lucius, welche mit dem Verkauf von Textilien und Strickwaren ein Vermögen verdiente, und ihrem Weg zu einer der einflussreichsten Familien Erfurts. Es folgen 3 AufsĂ€tze mit dem Obertitel „Da trafen sich die Erfurter“ zum einstigen Gasthaus „GrĂŒnes Tal“ in Hochheim, zum Haus „Zum Regenbogen“, ehemals Zentrale der Erfurter Arbeiterbewegung in der Johannesstraße, und zum berĂŒhmten Lokal „Vogels Garten“ am Dalbergsweg, welches vom Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs bis zu seiner Schließung als „Stadtgarten“ bekannt und beliebt war. Die in der DDR verfĂ€lschte Biographie des Schuharbeiters und Kommunisten Paul SchĂ€fer ist das Thema des folgenden Aufsatzes. Denn Paul SchĂ€fer fiel nicht im Spanischen BĂŒrgerkrieg, sondern wurde wĂ€hrend der Stalinschen SĂ€uberungen in Moskau ermordet. FĂŒnf AufsĂ€tze ĂŒber die Entwicklung des Kinos in Erfurt seit dem frĂŒhen 20. Jahrhundert bilden den Abschluss diese Aufsatzbandes. ErzĂ€hlt wird vom Kaiser-Panorama, Wanderkinos auf dem Kaiser-Wilhelms-Platz (heute: Domplatz) und der Kirmes in Ilversgehofen, von Theodor Scherff und seinem im Jahr 1907 eröffneten Kino am Fischmarkt, der Alhambra Film- und BĂŒhnenschau in der Johannesstraße und dem Ufa-Palast (Palast-Theater) in der Bahnhofstraße.This collection contains several articles about the life and activities of the citizens of Erfurt and the cultural development of this town in former times. The first article is about the Lucius Family, which made a fortune selling textiles and knitted goods, and how it became one of the most influential families in Erfurt. It is followed by 3 articles about favorite venues of workers and members of the middle and upper classes in and around Erfurt. The falsification of the life of the footwear worker and communist Paul Schaefer in the historical narrative fabricated by the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) during the existence of the GDR is the theme of the next article. It was propagated – even to his wife – that Paul Schaefer had died in the Spanish Civil War, but he had actually been killed in Moscow during the purges of Stalin. Finally, 5 articles deal with the cinema history of Erfurt from photographic panoramas to the opening of the Ufa-Palast (later: Palast-Theater

    Isometric points in lateral ankle ligament reconstruction: A three-dimensional kinematic study

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    BACKGROUND To optimize the biomechanical outcomes in lateral ankle ligament reconstruction, avoid stiffness or residual laxity, aiming for an isometric reconstruction of the anterior lateral talofibular ligament (ATFL) and the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) is mandatory. However, the localization of the optimal ligament insertion remains challenging to assess intraoperatively. METHOD Three-dimensional (3D) surface models from 10 healthy ankles were generated. 30 insertion points of the CFL were defined on the lateral side of the calcaneus each 10% of its total length in the dorsal-to-ventral and proximal-to-distal plane. 6 insertion points were defined at the ventral ridge of fibula from the malleolar tip and 5 insertions were defined along the lateral talar process. The ligament length variation of ATFL and CFL was assessed after a simulation of the flexion/extension around a simulated tibiotalar axis and inversion/eversion around a simulated subtalar axis in 36 different positions. RESULTS The isometric point of CFL on the calcaneus is located at about 60% along the dorsal-to-ventral and between 60% and 70% along the proximal-to-distal plane. From maximal extension to flexion, these points present respectively a length variation of - 0.8 to - 1.1 mm (p = 0.46) and - 1.1 to - 0.8 mm (p = 0.56). A fibular insertion at 5 mm proximal to the malleolar tip present a length variation ranging from - 0.1-1 mm (p < 0.001) for ATFL and from - 0.7-0.5 mm (p < 0.001) for CFL. A talar insertion point of the ATFL located 5 mm proximal to the subtalar joint present the lowest variation, ranging from - 1.1-0.7 mm (p < 0.001), however an insertion at 20- or 25-mm present isometry (+0.1 to +0.9 mm p = 0.1, and +0.4 to +0.4 mm p = 1 respectively) if the fibular insertion is located at 5 mm proximal to the malleolar tip. CONCLUSION This study provides anatomical references which are reproducible in daily practice. These insertion points allow to achieve a stable reconstruction while maintaining a tension-free mobilization of the ankle
